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Bed bugs Control

Bed bugs Control

Bed bugs extermination

Bed bugs control: Bed bugs fear light and are generally active in the dark. They hide in any small dark place, such as bedclothes, mattresses, springs, bed frames, cracks, crevices, and wallpaper. Therefore bed bugs emit an easily recognized, offensive odor caused by an oily secretion produced by special glands.

Bed bugs Bite

How Bed bugs spread diseases, According to a new study from Penn Medicine researchers showed, that bed bugs may be just as dangerous as its sinister cousin. The triatomine, or “kissing” bug. For instance Study demonstrated that bed bugs, like the triatomines, can transmit Trypanosoma cruzi. Therefore the parasite that causes Chagas disease, one of the most prevalent and deadly diseases. In addition, the study showed, that the role of the bloodsucking triatomine bugs as vectors of Chagas disease. Therefore its affects 6 to 8 million worldwide. Mostly in Latin America and kills about 50,000 a year has long been recognized.

Kissing bugs and bed bugs

Undoubtedly Bed bugs spread disease but it is not confirmed.  However, in medical journal several steps are mandatory to demonstrate the causal relationship between a vector and a disease. The first is vector competence. Therefor, an attempt must be made to demonstrate by laboratory experiments an arthropod’s ability to acquire an infectious agent from another animal. In brief then transmit it to another animal through infected blood. Pest control service near you, bed bugs exterminator, bed bugs removal 

As a result Only successful demonstration of all of these abilities permits consideration of the vector as competent. However this is remains insufficient to designate an arthropod as an effective vector for a defined infectious agent. Moreover Vector competence is invariable for a defined arthropod–pathogen couple. Location and climate, that may interfere in effective transmission must also be considered. This type of study, which is conducted in the wild, enables assessment of the potential vectorial capacity. Vectorial capacity varies for a defined arthropod–microbe couple.

What kill bed bugs

Bed bugs and kissing bugs are distant cousins. They share many striking similarities. Bed bugs and kissing bugs insects hide in household cracks and crevices waiting for nightfall and the opportunity to feed on sleeping hosts. They are from the same order of insects (Hemiptera) and both only feed on blood.  (One main difference is their size: kissing bugs are five times as big as a bed bug).

How to get rid of them

Bed bugs spread diseases, Clearly there have always been triatomine bugs and cases of Chagas disease in the U.S. Despite the kissing bugs we have here don’t come into homes frequently like the more dangerous species in South and Central America do. Kissing bugs and bed bugs are already here—in our homes, in our beds and in high numbers. What we found has thrown a wrench in the way I think about transmission, and where Chagas disease could emerge next.”

Equally worrying is the invasion of bed bugs into areas where Chagas disease is prevalent, especially in countries where traditional insect vectors of the parasite have been nearly eliminated, Levy said.  In these areas, bed bugs will be repeatedly exposed to T. cruzi, and could re-spark transmission where it had been extinguished.