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Bed bugs identification

Bed bugs identification

Bed bugs identification

bed bugs identification: First step in control any pests is properly identify it. Many bugs look like bed bugs but actually they may not be bed bugs. Accurate identification is first step in controlling them. There are a few insects that look like bed bugs. Some other bugs may be mistaken for bed bugs. Therefore, proper identification is important before spending money on costly treatment.

Size and shape of bed bugs

Bed bugs vary in size depending on their stage of life. As we know, bed bugs many life stages. Before a full-grown bug, they pass through many life stages. An adult bed bug is about are a quarter of inch long and resemble the seed of apple. Adult bed bugs are reddish-brown in color, their nymphs are of similar color but smaller in size. Unfortunately, there are no unique characteristic to distinguish bed bugs from other bugs. Due to this reason, other bugs are mistaken for bed bugs. They can be found anywhere in the house, once you get infestation. However, they are usually found in the seams of mattress and bed frames. Mostly they are found in the beds, this is why they got their name as bed bugs.

Depending on the degree of infestation, they can be found in furniture, wall papers and wall cracks. They can also be found in photo frames, carpet and curtains.

Signs of infestation

Bed bugs usually bite during sleeping quarter. People usually notice their presence when they are bitten by bed bugs. As the infestation grow, you may also find blood stain on the bed sheet. You may feel coffee smell and dark coffee-colored spots on the mattress seams. These are the clear indication of bed bugs infestation.

How to control bed bugs

A licensed exterminator is best choice to call for the bed bugs extermination. DIY techniques and using some products available in super store do more harm than good. It is wise to get pest control help before the infestation get worse. We at mirak pest control have years of experience in treating bed bugs